Elementary Campus:
(504) 304-3932Middle Campus:
(504) 359-7730Benjamin Franklin Elementary Mathematics & Science School participates in the Enroll New Orleans Louisiana Public Schools (EnrollNOLAPS) Admissions process for new students. Applications are available at: www.enrollnolaps.org.
For K-12 Open Enrollment Information, Application Process, and Seat Availability questions, please visit the EnrollNOLAPS website at: www.enrollnolaps.org.
To apply in person, you must visit one of the Family Resource Centers and a School Choice Advisor will assist you. You must indicate Benjamin Franklin Elementary Mathematics & Science School as your school choice on your OneApp Application.
Please note: If your child currently attends Benjamin Franklin Elementary Mathematics and Science School (BFE) and you want your child to remain at BFE, you DO NOT have to complete a OneApp Application.
Per the EnrollNOLAPS website: All applicants will receive only one offer regardless of how many applications they submit. Only the most recent application is considered during the matching process.
Submitting multiple applications may damage your chances of getting what you want because the most recent application will overwrite any previously submitted school selections
If you complete a OneApp Application for your child who currently attends BFE, your child’s seat may be jeopardized.
Benjamin Franklin Elementary does not discriminate in the rendering of services regarding employment of individuals because of race, color, religion, sex, gender, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected basis.
Report Fraud Button linked to Louisiana Legislative AuditorSCHOOL HOURS:
Elementary Campus (Grades PreK-5th) - 8:05 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Middle Campus (Grades 6th-8th) - 7:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.